Every wine has a story to tell…….

Be Dynamic..
Be Different..
We are a passionate wine company that wants to be different. Working with our amazing suppliers, supporting our brilliant customers to achieve something special, exciting and fun. Since 2013, we have been partnering wineries around the world, collectively growing vines in over 50 different wine regions and producing over 100 different wine brands.
We are proud to support retailers, wholesalers, On-Trade and drinks specialists to bring a range of wines suitable for their markets and customers.
We know good wine is hard to find, but with our great partners, we continue to provide exciting and unique wines grown from wineries who show tradition in their values and freshness in their wines.
Our partners are the backbone of GM Drinks and every winery we work with shares our passion and enthusiam to support wines in the UK. On our main focus points is supporting a sustainable approach to the way in wine is produced. GM Drinks sustainability platform is there to see our wineries produce amazing wines whilst encouraging staff wellbeing, supportive in enviornmental methods, and show a community care that is transparent and understanding. With this being a focus to the way we buy in the years to come, its also about supporting wineries with sourced bottling to help job security in the winery, withouth the need to buy in bulk.
Our goal is about driving sustainability in a sustainable way!